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Any and all information provided by customers to Natural Health Organic Sulfur Products Ltd. and any related correspondence, is privileged and confidential information. It is never shared, distributed, or sold. Never.
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Shipping Thursdays weekly.
All phone message will be returned by end of next business day!
Closed statutory holidays in Canada
Surrey, BC: 604-542-9310
North America: Toll Free 1-855-875-9311
All inquiries should be directed to:
Catherine Bujold, Manager:
I recently started taking my organic sulfur by the spoon so I could push it to the upper gum areas of my mouth to help heal an age old access. It took about two weeks and the 10+ year old problem formed a head and was easily removed. There was no root canal and/or another cap was not installed. It saved me hundreds of dollars and I still have a live tooth. All for less than a couple of dollars worth or organic sulfur. Thank you for your advice, which was free, and helping me heal my infection
British Columbia
I am a recovering cancer patient. My colon was removed six months ago after a Stage 2 tumor was discovered. It had to be removed actually… and I was unable to keep food down. I am on an organic healthy diet, juicing most days, and find Organic Sulfur and Catalyst Altered Water valuable additions to my regime. Being on it for a few months I have not taken any chemo and the recent CT Scan was fine. I will continue with this regimen indefinitely.
Y. H.
This stuff changed my life. All I'm sayin'
Wow – what a difference!!! My 17+ year old pussycat and I have been using organic sulfur and CAW for three (3) months now and we both feel sooooo much better. My nails are growing like crazy, my hair feels thicker and Felicia Pussycat has now got eyebrows over both eyes. She only had eyebrows over one eye before in all those years. I feel I have got much more energy than before. I also started a daily walking regime – up and down the hills for ½ hour — and I have stuck to it for these 3 months. Usually I did not stick to “stuff” like that before for more than a couple of days. Since taking organic sulfur and Catalyst Altered Water I actually also walked if it was raining. Felicia Pussycat also seems to get bursts of energy – sometimes running around like a kitten. I used the CAW solution on a huge blister I had got on my right heel. I cleaned the blister a few times and it healed up in a couple of days. Based on my own experience, I can highly recommend this Organic Sulfur and the CAW. I am also using the Skin Gel which I really like. Furthermore, I will take this opportunity to commend Richard and Catherine for the great service I have received, both in the time it takes to receive the products ordered as well as answering any questions that I had.
Anne-Lise G. and Felicia Pussycat
I used to have to take 50 *grams* Vitamin C per day to have bowel movements because of mercury. Within one week of starting MSM, I was down to 5g. Now I don't need any. It also appears to be melting my frozen shoulder, and appears to have significantly corrected my adrenal exhaustion. I have dramatically reduced my intake of all supplements, including anti-oxidants, which only two months ago, I had to take a LOT of just to be able to build any muscle. Impressive.
Victoria, BC
Having been on Organic Sulfur since mid-October 2012, I'm amazed. When I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in 1997, my rheumatologist told me of his 1,000 patients, I was his worst case. I was given Enbrel shots (known to suppress the immune system). A simple cold could end up being pneumonia; I was always on guard while in public and usually wore a mask. Within two weeks of taking Organic Sulfur, I came off my shots! I could never have been able to do that before as I could barely function without my shots--I would not be able to walk and would revert nearly instantly to such an excruciating physical state, it was unbearable. I could not miss one shot, much less two during the week. As you may know, we are being exposed to a lot of toxins nowadays, not only are we breathing them in, but we are also eating them as well. Being concerned, about a year and a half ago, I asked my family doctor to run a blood test for arsenic and lead, the results were positive before taking Organic Sulfur. I just had the same test down and they are now negative!
Carol Roberts
South Carolina
I was born with a bicuspid aortic valve which was watched by doctors over the years and it was known that eventually I would have to have it replaced. That time eventually came and before my open heart procedure, they gave me an anagram to make sure my arteries were in good condition (otherwise necessary bypasses would also have to be done). It was not felt that any would be discovered in me because I wasn't overweight, never smoked, didn't have high cholesterol, I ate healthy, etc. However, to my great shock, they discovered three severe blockages, two of which were 95 and 100% blocked, which meant they would be doing a triple bypass along with the aortic valve and ascending aorta replacement. During the several months before surgery while I was undergoing tests and waiting for my turn in the system, I started taking Organic Sulfur. Some time after the surgery during a follow-up visit with the cardiologist, she showed me an x-ray of the blockages that had been taken when I had the angiogram. The x-ray showed three spots where my body had been in the process of making its own bypasses around the blockages! The cardiologist said that this was very rare and generally only seen in athletes such as runners. I can tell you I'm not an athletic person, so this was a great surprise.
Ottawa, Ontario
Before taking organic sulfur, I had a difficult time walking, particularly after long periods of sitting. Within two months of taking organic sulfur, I see a visible improvement. I can now walk without pain and no longer need to take pain medication. My headaches have also improved. I look forward to seeing more benefits in the future.
I have taken Organic Sulfur for a month and have been very happy with it. It has helped with my digestion, keeping me regular, while completely eliminating bloating and gas. I have also noticed that I have been thinking more clearly and succinctly and my dreams have become more vivid. I look forward to taking this food-medicine over the longterm with anticipation.
George H.
West Vancouver, BC
Although extremely healthy, I was intrigued about what I had read about the benefits of organic sulphur. From the very first time I used it I was more alert and had much more energy. I have grey hair (for over two decades) and it is returning to its natural colour after about five months of use of the organic sulphur. It has cleared out my lungs and my voice is better. My dreams are much more vivid when before I did not even remember my dreams. I have recommended organic sulphur to friends who have serious health problems and in every case the product was helpful.
Tom K.
Toronto, Ontario
First, I want to say that there is a difference between your product and an MSM I purchased from another company, which is far superior itself to the MSM in the stores. To begin with, while both your product and this other product look similar--crystalline--your product completely dissolves in water in about twenty seconds whereas the other product never did and would keep collecting as sediment at the bottom of the glass. Second, I never really felt anything after taking the other product, whereas when I take your product it feels like my body immediately takes it up and starts using it. There is just a feeling that I need this stuff and that it's going to work in my cells. (I have persistent acne breakouts on my arms that seem to be healing up as well.) Thank you for your extremely informative responses to my questions. I love knowing the general chemistry behind my observations and experiences. It's wonderful to hear from someone in alternative supplemental health care who has so much integrity. I will look into the catalyst water next. Your comments on my acne also resonate with my experience. I have had CFS for 12 years and now MCS and believe it all began with candida from a two year course of antibiotics for acne as a teen.
David Charbonneau, PhD,
You probably get this a lot, but I received the package and even in this short amount of time [ten days] feel the benefits. It's wonderful. I took Health Store MSM for a while and felt it was advantageous but nothing like this. I am very excited to have found you and look forward to many orders in the future.
Jessica B.
Nova Scotia