Myths and Internet speculation and greed have led to many conflicting claims and myths, perpetuated by untrained (or sometimes ignorant) resellers. One principle purpose of this study has been to understand and eliminate these contradictions so here, at the West Coast Organic Sulfur Project, we can help you make a confident and well-informed choice. Of the more than two-dozen resellers the director has spoken with, only one knew reasonably well what organic sulfur might do in the body and what could be accomplished. All the others were riding the trendy wave of speculation to make easy money but really didn’t know what they were doing.
Here are the more important general findings thus far (to January 2020)…
- All organic sulfur available on the market is a manufactured product. It isn’t extracted from nature as some claim. Yes, it is found in nature in trace quantities, but what’s sold is manufactured. It is not and cannot be extracted from nature.
- By our research, an estimated 80% of what’s available in North America is imported from off shore manufacturers, principally China and India. About 1/3 of the resellers interviewed claimed theirs was a North American-made product but close examination and chemical analysis of samples didn’t prove this out. It was clearly a fraudulent representation of product quality.
- Only two manufacturers delivered 100% consistency for pharmaceutical quality. All off-shore or non-North American sources (India, China) were inconsistent for quality and purity.
- Reseller’s claims about ‘natural’, ‘lignin-based’, ‘pine knot’, ‘sawdust’, ‘wood-chip’, ‘pine-tree’, ‘salt-water’, ‘plant-based’, ‘naturally occurring’, or ‘vegetable-based’ MSM are all advertising hype and not true. The deception is used to promote sales—it sounds very “green” and eco-friendly, but it’s inaccurate and very misleading.
- Claims that one organic sulfur product is the same as another product; that the manufacturer doesn’t matter, are false. It does matter. Manufacturing process, purity, post-production additives, environmental exposure, packaging, and granular size are all important.
- Claims that additives don’t affect it are false. Over 15,000 hours of phone interviews with over 3,500 people over 14 years, and basic chemistry demonstrate it does matter. Powdered organic sulfur and sulfur with additives (any additives) are shown to be not as effective.
- Organic sulfur doers occur in nature in very small, trace quantities—far too small for natural extraction. “Naturally extracted” organic sulfur doesn’t exist. The molecule itself is too fragile to extract from natural sources, anyway.
- There’s no such thing as 99.9% or 100% pure organic sulfur. The best the director of this project has ever found, through independent testing, is consistently proven 99.85% pure. The balance is trace moisture (water <0.1% and DMSO1 <0.05%; with minor variance). This is the quality and standard that we recommend and sell at Natural Health Organic Sulfur Products Ltd.
- Our organic sulfur at the West Cost Organic Sulfur Project is the only product available, to our knowledge, that is Kosher and Halal certified, Non-GMO, Vegan, Gluten/Allergen free (guaranteed) and USA-FSSC and GRAS certified for food safety.
- Organic Sulfur is an entirely different product from anything that is a sulfa “drug”. Organic sulfur and “sulfa drugs” are not related. Dozens of people who are allergic to sulfa take this with good results and no complications.
- Non-North American or off-shore MSM manufacturing standards have been shown to be less rigid than North American in their production. The director has had independently tested at least eleven other samples and toured at least six of the known manufacturing facilities in India, China, and North America. He has personally examined about 30 other resellers products. Off shore MSM product usually sells retail for less than $20.00 per pound. It has less rigid production standards, different manufacturing processes, and consistently higher contamination of heavy metals. This may not be true of all other-continent producers, but for those examined by the director, it has been.

Avoid powders and flow agents
If it's a powder then there has to be a flow agent or the organic sulfur will cake up like this bug chunk.
This is a photo of a shipment of organic sulfur from an off-shore manufacturer — the large hard chunk, which is like baked clay, would be reground into a fine powder (finer than salt) and mixed with a flow agent like silica or sterate.
- Off-shore imported sulfur is most often sold in a powder, with added flow agents of 2% – 5 %, and usually sells for about ½ the cost of a North American made product. If it’s in the range of $12 – $20 dollars per pound it is more than likely off-shore; certainly not a guarantee, but a safe bet.
- At least five Internet Sites that we are aware of sell sulfur from China at 1/3 the cost, blatantly claim it’s North American made, and sell it with an outrageous mark up, equivalent to the cost of a North American made product. This was verified by independent analysis.
- Organic sulfur powders must have flow agents added to the product otherwise the sulfur cakes into hard chunks. Silica or sterate can be from 0.05% up to 5% of the content. One product from China was analyzed at about 7% silica. Any additive makes the final product up to 70% less effective (reported estimates).
- Bulk, unprocessed, flakes (+/- 850 microns or larger) are much better for health than any processed retail product found thus far. Mesh sizes of less then 700 microns are usually classed as powder and there will be additives.
- There is now a “best”-capsule alternative. We have arranged for a large capsule of organic sulfur that is guaranteed pure (1 g per capsule). It contains the identical product to the bulk that we sell; flake form and no additives. It is packaged in pharmaceutical conditions, including a negative-vacuum chamber, in a vegetarian capsule, at the time of manufacture. The vegetarian capsule has a shelf life of 4 years; the bulk upwards of 8 years.
- Capsules are sometimes advisable for people who cannot get past the bitter taste or for others who are awkward with measuring bulk products. The capsule (one gram of pure organic sulfur flake in each capsule) is more expensive than the bulk; however, the large vegetarian capsules are an excellent alternative.
- Our Organic Sulfur, from a carefully managed precipitated process, in microscopic lab analysis, shows to be more pure than flakes from a distilled processes. This is because there’s no potential for contaminate absorption during manufacture. The difference is noticeable—less than 3 PPM versus 5 PPM or more. Here, we sell only the best.
Take it a minimum of twice a day, and after acclimatization, when or if you are in doubt, take slightly more than is recommended. I.E. If you think you should take 2 teaspoons twice a day (according to the chart) but you’re not quite sure, take 2½ tsp. - When examining the container labels of 23 different retail products, all the recommended daily-amounts (number of grams per day) were far too low for effective health interventions. That, combined with the contaminating additives in commercial products, makes those a poor investment (when compared to the recommendations, product purity, and reported results from this study).